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Sarah Burton, ACC Coach

Sarah Burton currently serves as the Operations Manager for the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. She has uplifted the department towards more business, clinical success and cultural betterment, for over a decade and is continuing her leadership development skills with U- CAN (Utah Coaching Advancement Network) as an ICF Certified Coach. Sarah has worked in the healthcare industry for 20 years in various clinical, administrative, management, and leadership roles. She has a humanitarian background as co-founder of T.U.R.N., co-founder of ‘Women in GI’ and active member of UWHEN. She has an extensive background in yoga teaching, nutritional counseling, meditation, and finding ways to enhance one’s life. Sarah seeks to bring more thinking about thoughts, in order to better operate on possibilities of true empowerment, grit, and resiliency.

Harriet Hopf, MD

Harriet W. Hopf, MD, is Professor of Anesthesiology and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Utah. She has held senior leadership roles at the medical school, university, and national level that positioned her for her current focus on nurturing career and leadership success in the next generation. As a three-sport college athlete she learned leadership, persistence, and how to get things done. Her husband Leo, who she met playing volleyball, is an expert in strategy and decision-making and a peerless peer mentor. Their offspring, McKinley, is a grad student busy reinventing the way history is told. Harriet is content never to have learned to say “No.” And thrilled to have been selected as one of 250 images on the Utah Women 2020 Mural, public art commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

Tony Tsai, MBA

Tony Tsai is the Director of Career and Leadership Develop for University of Utah Health Sciences, a Co-Director in the Utah Coaching Advancement Network (U-CAN), and a Co-Director in the RealMD program. He helps learners and professionals connect to their meaning and authentic purpose in their careers through coaching and leadership training. In previous roles, he has led strategic transformation efforts in medical education at the University of Michigan Medical School and University of Utah Medical School. Prior to his roles in healthcare, he worked in finance and was head of career advising at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. He was a former officer in the U.S. Army. He holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and an BBA from the Wharton School of Business.

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